Selfcare with Li
Hello My Beautiful Being, I wanted to let you know a name change for the podcast! It is now Selfcare with Li! The podcast dedicated to personal growth, living intentionally, and walking in your purpose. Li strongly encourages everyone to write their vision on paper. Using our words is the only way to create the days, weeks, years, and life we want. The seven pillars of selfcare has really helped me with my journey in falling back in love with myself. Though the battle was and is still challenging, I want everyone to fall back in love with themselves, and reach your highest potential. I want to encourage self-improvement and personal development as we journey through this life. Life is amazing when we do it on purpose and care. It's not enough to simply talk about what we want. Anyone can have a good talk game. We can take it one step further and take action. Join me every Wednesday to come up with an action plan. Let's be intentional together. Check out my website www.selfcarewithli.com!
Selfcare with Li
Reset, Restart, Refocus!
Welcome Back Listeners! Its Wednesday, another episode of Selfcare with Li! I hope you all are doing amazing and reaching all your goals, we are at humpday and we are officially half way through the week! I am rooting for you and you know you got this!
I want to thank my listners for supporting this podcasts, and the youtube channel. I, myself take a lot of tasks and projects, thinking i can get it all done without feeling burnout or anxiety. I quickly remember that I am just human and I too can feel anxiety when putting myself out there, networking, content creation, and all things that come with this job. Honestly I have to realize that I am not superwoman and I too, need time to reset, restart and refocus to ensure I am going on the right path. I must take time to do so. Thank goodness for selfcare!
In this episode, i talk about the process of resetting, restarting, and refocusing! When you are a hardworker, a hustler, and a goal getter, at times , you can overwhelm yourself with projects and tasks and its easy to forget why you started! I want to remind you to include selfcare within your journey as it is essential to your mentally clarity and health. Without selfcare you will be overworked and filled with anxiety.
I want to remind you, to utilize the pillars of selfcare, be intentional about your schedule and planning. You are on to something great, but first you need time to remember why you started! Your purpose is bigger than you and you will see why you had to put in all those late nights and early mornings. You are on the brink of greatness and will truly be successful! Just remember yourself and take time for yourself.
I want to encourage, motivate you, and be your friend in your head! I believe you are totally capable of all things and you will reach your highest potential! You Got This!
I hope you enjoy today's podcasts, until next week, here's too Selfcare with Li!
Love you!
INTRO music LazyPOV
Commercial music Produced by LUNAREH
Exit OUTRO Produced by Confina
MEDITATION Music: The light with you-moment
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IG: @thelimorales
Youtube: Selfcare with Li
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